
Effecting Positive Change

The Problem

As the cost and complexity of healthcare delivery has exploded over the past decade, little has been done to effectively improve patient safety, clinical process improvement and achieve higher individual/aggregate outcomes. 

Emphasis has been disproportionately placed on prior authorization, with go/no decisions based on whether there’s a match between diagnosis, treatment plan and a set of clinical guidelines administered by an in-house or delegated utilization management organization.

In today’s prevalent model, success is measured on achieving cost savings related to denial of care; the resulting friction with patients, providers and employers/plan sponsors is palpable.

COVID-19 has created even greater disconnects within a fragmented healthcare system. The barriers keeping patients from accessing quality healthcare providers, working in concert to find optimized solutions, have never been higher.

The TurningPoint Solution

TurningPoint Healthcare Solutions has responded to this challenge by creating a unified suite of condition state management solutions, all driven by advanced AI, machine learning and data analytics, focused on delivering results through achieving greater patient safety and improved outcomes.

These solutions are powered by advanced patient condition assessment programs, expert clinical resources, remote monitoring tools, advanced coaching and telemedicine. Forged in a time of crisis, this innovative and coordinated suite provides an extra margin of patient safety, greater care plan adherence and compliance, site-of-care optimization, lower individual/aggregate cost and better outcomes.

More effective patient engagement leads to better results. TurningPoint focuses our tools and efforts on achieving higher order patient recoveries, regardless of condition or care modality. The results we achieve include fewer invasive procedures, lower incidence of readmissions, dramatically improved surgical revision rates, lower overall cost and improvements in patient safety and individual/overall outcomes.

The positive change driven by TurningPoint begins with patients and their families and extends throughout the care delivery ecosystem, through the consensus we achieve in collaborating with providers to the clinical process improvement and financial value we deliver to payers and their partners.

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